- How to homebrew 3ds 11.2.0 35u with youtube for free#
- How to homebrew 3ds 11.2.0 35u with youtube code#
- How to homebrew 3ds 11.2.0 35u with youtube download#
> I set up tubehax and I can no longer access the eShop.

In order to take screenshots of official games, you will need to run them through HANS. You can then convert them to PNG by using the screenshot tool included in the starter pack. You can take screenshots in either homebrew or commercial games by hitting the HOME button. You can visit 3dbrew for more homebrew applications. > Where can I find more homebrew applications ?
How to homebrew 3ds 11.2.0 35u with youtube code#
The source code for tubehax can be found on github. If you did all the previous steps right, the exploit should run and the Homebrew Launcher should load up !

Getting this right is very important ! Once you're sure you did it right, hit the Submit button.
How to homebrew 3ds 11.2.0 35u with youtube for free#
In order to install tubehax, you will need a console whose firmware version is between 9.0 and 10.1, as well as the YouTube application (available for free on eShop) and an internet connection. NOTE : unfortunately Nintendo has patched tubehax and made it impossible to use the YouTube application without updating. Select the save slot that says "ironhax" and press A. Make sure your 3DS is connected to the internet for the install ! Run the ironhax installer and follow the instructions on screen.If you downloaded the Homebrew Starter Kit below, you should already have it ! If you installed ninjhax a while ago, please uninstall it and reinstall it ! Your version might be outdated installing ironhax requires ninjhax 2.1 or more recent. Setup an initial way to run homebrew on your system, such as tubehax or ninjhax.No need to play it (though it certainly doesn't hurt !), but you have to run it at least up to the main menu. Run IronFall at least once before continuing.If you find you're not sure what the steps are referring to, please just head over to the Youtube video showing them being executed here. NOTE : the following steps might be slightly confusing to some people. First go down to the "preparing your SD card" section and follow those steps, then come back.The advantage of ironhax is that unlike tubehax, it only requires an internet connection the first time after that, you'll be free to use it untethered ! Unlike tubehax and ninjhax however, IronFall is not "self-sufficient" : you will need either tubehax or ninjhax to perform the initial ironhax install.

Much like tubehax, ironhax requires that your console be on a firmware version between 9.0 and 10.3, and that you have IronFall (previously available for free on the eShop) installed on it.
How to homebrew 3ds 11.2.0 35u with youtube download#
To do this, simply install browserhax (see above), and use it to download the old version of IronFall by starting the "eShop - old version downloader" application in homebrew menu and downloading IronFall like your normally would. NOTE : it is currently possible to download the original (still vulnerable) version of Ironfall by using homebrew. Only those who downloaded Ironfall before September 2015 will be able to run ironhax. NOTE : unfortunately the latest version of Ironfall can no longer run ironhax.